The Crossroads
At the end of the movie, the character Tom Nolan stands at a loss in the middle of the road. Physically and metaphorically, he stands at a crossroads in his life looking at the paths that are before and behind him. After everything that he had been through, he was pulling out a map (how old school is that) and sorting through his options. Options buddy… it’s ALL about options.
They’re just roads right?
On closer inspection, you can see that not all of the roads are the same. In theory, the paved roads should be easier than the unpaved… Yet… the cute ginger has just rolled down the unpaved path (look closely, she’s way down the road in this pic…) hmmmmmm…
I stand at a crossroads of sorts as well.
On Monday July 11, 2016 I will embark on a twelve week, coding school (The Iron Yard) adventure that leaves me both thrilled AND intimidated. Bah, might as well throw in a hefty dose of uncertainty,pressure, and good ol what have I done!
Unlike Chuck, I have chosen my road and will document the journey by adding updates and content on this blog. My hope is that when I’m struggling and need a break, I can come here and take a breather. I’ve never been a writer, don’t aspire to be one either. This will just be my escape until I can get a sailboat 🙂 More on THAT in another post.
Nobody will read my mindless babble anyway… right?
Actually, the truth is that I’ve been standing at this crossroads for awhile. The Iron Yard is the road I have chosen to learn, sharpen some old skills, add versatility and depth to my meager development skills. This doesn’t appear to be the ‘paved’ road either. For me, learning JavaScript is NOT going to be going to be easy.
Could I learn this on my own?
Yes, maybe, kinda sorta… Who really knows with me. BUT! Joining The Iron Yard holds me accountable and forces me to stretch outside my comfort zone. WAY outside! I DO like the concept of getting hands-on with the code as opposed to reading a book and toying with online courses. I WILL finish this better than I started.
So there it is. MY road. Rocks and all. Sans the ginger.
I’ll be posting updates here tracking my experiences, progress (or lack thereof), struggles, vent and hopefully celebrate the occasional ‘woot’. Over time, I hope to expand this site beyond the blog. Hey, I WILL even learn some design along the way. (insert laugh track here) NO REALLY! I intend to mend my ways and embrace as much ‘Ethan Marcotte’ as time allows. After all, this site IS responsive and Media Queries are in my immediate future.
I have one weekend left before starting class and the countdown has begun!
Near the end of the movie, Chuck explains his predicament to his buddy by saying:
“I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring”
Indeed, who knows… and life is too short. We should all be pursuing our non-sailing interests. We get a closeup at the end of Cast Away that seems to suggest which road ol Tom is going to choose. One track mind… 🙂
For me, I have one weekend left before starting class. So, I can get a bike ride in Saturday morning and get somewhat organized before class. The countdown has begun!
Btw, I still wonder what was inside that package …