The first week has been a cram course in HTML/CSS, Layout, an intro to Javascript and version control with git/GitHub. Very cool stuff, but the version control has always been weird terminology for me. The command line has been in my life enough that I can get around. But, ‘git add’ this and ‘git push’ that just takes some time. Did I say cool? It IS once you get the flow down.
Prior to the start of class, I plowed through Codecademy and several other online courses which made me feel pretty confident. I may have overestimated how much I really understood about layout and positioning. I understand the ‘box model’, but actually applying it from scratch was challenging. “Everything is a box!” Good stuff though! It re-enforces everything when you actually do it. By the end of the week, I needed to take some time to absorb everything and let it all sink in. For me, it helped and I’ll probably do more of that to make sure I understand concepts before just plowing forward. I tend to be pretty methodical anyway, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I wanted to review some things.
So with the first week completed and Javascript looming this week things are ramping up fast. I’ll be referencing ‘Castaway’ some more so be warned. Yes, I’m firmly on TIY Island with my fellow Iron Yard students. We also have a backend course running as well.
So I’m on the island, learning the environment, learning how to survive, to cope, and eventually even thrive. Like Tom Nolan said, ‘Breathe’…
All Tom could muster for support was a volleyball. We have far better than ‘Wilson’ to help us get the fire going 🙂
Looking forward to week two and jumping into Javascript!